New Year’s Resolutions

💌 A note from Deb:

I used to mandate lofty New Years Resolutions for myself. They were demanding, restricting, and often simply unattainable for my lifestyle. Rather than celebrating tiny bits of progress throughout the month of January, I would lament my failure of not achieving any of the resolutions I had set for myself. Or, worse, I became so detached and uninterested in my resolutions because they were too unrealistic to relate to who I am. For the past couple of years I have changed my mindset and set reasonable intentions or goals for myself that I felt I could celebrate throughout the year. I also became more
aware of setting goals that didn’t insinuate I wasn’t okay with how I already look or who I already am. This year, my husband Burr told me about something he had read about setting your Resolutions around the the number 10. I can’t really tell you much more about that specific article but we took the idea and ran with it 😄. We came up with 10 Resolutions that all have to do with the number 10. Here is what I have. I left 9 and 10 blank so you don’t know all my secrets. It’s a little embarrassing revealing how simple these may seem but it’s what works for me.

1. Drink 10 glasses of water a day.
2. Meditate 10 minutes a day.
3. Take our dogs for 10 walks a month.
4. If circumstances allow, respond to texts within 10 minutes. Phone calls within 10 hours. If you have ever texted me, you are probably rolling your eyes 😆.
5. Walk outside 10 minutes a day.
6. Wake up in enough time to allow 10 minutes of silent sitting. I often wake up and rush out in such a fury that I create a sense of anxiety and stress. I want to allow myself the luxury of the quiet of the morning.
7. Spend 10 minutes a day on a NEW yoga flow - I plan my classes every Sunday because I am the queen of procrastination. Because of this, I can get pretty stressed and spend the majority of the day missing out on time with my family. If I just spent 10 minutes a day on class prep for the following week, by Sunday, I'll have 50% of my classes planned and could actually enjoy my day!
8. Reach out to 10 people a month. This can be as simple as “I’m proud of you” or “I love you.”

xo, - Deb

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